Extended Data - Egress
Some GAINS instances may be configured for extended data to be available for outbound endpoints, allowing you to obtain additional data attributes in addition to the standard attributes.
If your GAINS instance has extended data attributes enabled, you will be able to configure and view additional key-value pairs as part of your outbound payload.
For example, consider the below GET request to get inventory policy parameters from GAINS:
"DataType": "inventory_policy",
"Data": [
"ItemCode": "string",
"ItemDescription": "string",
"Locations": [
"LocationCode": "string",
"LocationName": "string",
"InventoryPolicy": {
"AdjustedOrq": 0,
"MinimumOrq": 0,
"IncrementalOrq": 0,
"CalcSs": 0,
"AdjustedSs": 0,
"SsOverride": 0,
"ServiceLevel": 0,
"ServiceLevelMinimum": 0,
"InventoryClass": "string",
"StockIndicator": "string",
"LeadTime": 0
"ExtendedData": {
"LocationType": "extended_value" //extended field
"ExtendedData": {
"ItemWeight": "extended_value" //extended field
The components of extended data include:
- A wrapper object called
which can contain 1..n attributes - Attribute names can be defined by you but these need to be communicated to your GAINS representative (for mapping purposes)
- String values for said attributes are provided from your systems. These will be stored as strings
Supported Endpoints
Egress of extended data is supported for the following endpoints:
Updated 5 months ago