August 2024 (2024.08)

by Karan Khiani

New Features ✨

  • The following now support extended data:
    • Locations
    • Supply Transactions
    • Demand Transactions
    • SKUS-Locations

Enhancements 🔨

  • Added additional query parameters (Stock Indicator) for Inventory Policy endpoint
  • Update pagination upper bound to page size of 1000
  • Webhook history - added filtering by TrackingNumber
  • Enhanced all GET order endpoints with additional line attributes

Bug Fixes 🐜

  • Extended data at the line-item level was showing incorrect values - this has now been addressed
  • A minor issue with task cancellation was addressed
  • Cleaned up inaccurate error message for inbound endpoints

July 2024

by Karan Khiani

Enhancements 🔨

  • Support for extended data - master - Locations
  • Add Stock Ind filter for outbound inventory policies
  • Update pagination to allow max page size of 1000
  • Add PO and line number attributes to order payloads

Bug Fixes 🐜

  • Fix an issue where task cancellation doesn't work as expected
  • Fix an issue that causes webhook to not be sent for configured triggers

June 2024

by Karan Khiani

New Features ✨

  • Added endpoint to update external PO number in GAINS
  • Added support for extended data in replenishment (TO and PO), inventory policy, and forecasts (monthly and weekly)

Enhancements 🔨

  • Updated Transfer Order payload to include Vendor details
  • Modified RejectedRecords structure to explicitly define record components

Bug Fixes 🐜

  • Resolved issues with pagination functionality

May 2024

by Karan Khiani

New Features ✨

  • Developed new interfaces for Demand Transactions, Supply Transactions, Vendors, Customers, Locations, Tasks, Bills of Material, and ItemLocations
  • Introduced API core for Task Endpoints and Idempotency

Enhancements 🔨

  • Added RSQ attributes to InventoryPolicy payload
  • Added CalcSS to Inventory Policy payload
  • Updated weekly and monthly forecast payload
  • Added ItemDescription and LocationName to Inventory Policy payload
  • Updated Purchase Order payload with Vendor details
  • Improved handling of loader abrupt termination or failure
  • Improved error messages when using inbound endpoints
  • Made CurrencyCode field optional in Location interface
  • Added required fields to Bill Of Material interface
  • Added CreatedBy and StatusUpdatedOn attributes to Task endpoint responses
  • Added Task Type to Task List

Bug Fixes 🐜

  • Resolved issue where the CalcSs attribute was missing from the Inventory Policy payload
  • Fixed Item Master loader to correctly generate new SKULs from database when using the "/n" option
  • Addressed retry gap not being respected, causing retries to be sent more frequently than configured
  • Fixed an issue where the task status wasn't set to "rejected" when all records were rejected