JUMP TOGAINSConnect Public APISetup & AuthCheck connectivity with APIgetRetrieve your webhook preferencesgetSet your webhook preferencespostRetrieve historical issued webhooksgetTrigger a sample webhookpostResend all or part of a webhook previously sentpostOutbound - Demand PlanningRetrieve demand forecast as monthly bucketsgetRetrieve demand forecast as weekly bucketsgetOutbound - Inventory OptimizationRetrieve inventory policiesgetRetrieve inventory service levelsgetRetrieve BOM relationshipsgetRetrieve supercession relationshipsgetOutbound - ReplenishmentRetrieve purchase orders (PO)getRetrieve transfers orders (TO)getRetrieve work orders (WO/RWO)getRetrieve purchase requisitionsgetInbound - Master DataLoad customer master and reference datapostDelete customer master recordspostLoad vendor master and reference datapostDelete vendor master recordspostLoad vendor alternatives for SKUs and vendor parameterspostDelete vendor alternative recordspostLoad location reference datapostDelete location recordspostLoad SKU-Location datapostDelete SKUL recordspostLoad SKU datapostDelete SKU recordspostLoad BOM datapostDelete BOM recordspostLoad supercession relationshipspostDelete supercession relationshipspostLoad on-hand lots for SKULspostLoad inventory availability datapostInbound - Transaction DataLoad supply side transactions (excludes split/delivery data)postLoad supply side transactions with split level datapostLink a supply transaction to a generated PO/TOpostDelete supply transactionspostLoad demand side transactionspostDelete demand transactionspostLoad demand side eventspostLoad weekly LIA input datapostLoad monthly LIA input datapostInbound - TasksGet all tasksgetGet a specific taskgetCancel a specific taskpostPowered by Delete demand transactionspost https://{env}.gainsystems.com/api/v1/demand-transactions/deleteDelete demand transactions