May 2024
9 months ago by Karan Khiani
New Features ✨
- Developed new interfaces for Demand Transactions, Supply Transactions, Vendors, Customers, Locations, Tasks, Bills of Material, and ItemLocations
- Introduced API core for Task Endpoints and Idempotency
Enhancements 🔨
- Added RSQ attributes to InventoryPolicy payload
- Added CalcSS to Inventory Policy payload
- Updated weekly and monthly forecast payload
- Added ItemDescription and LocationName to Inventory Policy payload
- Updated Purchase Order payload with Vendor details
- Improved handling of loader abrupt termination or failure
- Improved error messages when using inbound endpoints
- Made CurrencyCode field optional in Location interface
- Added required fields to Bill Of Material interface
- Added CreatedBy and StatusUpdatedOn attributes to Task endpoint responses
- Added Task Type to Task List
Bug Fixes 🐜
- Resolved issue where the CalcSs attribute was missing from the Inventory Policy payload
- Fixed Item Master loader to correctly generate new SKULs from database when using the "/n" option
- Addressed retry gap not being respected, causing retries to be sent more frequently than configured
- Fixed an issue where the task status wasn't set to "rejected" when all records were rejected